The question in Unit 10 asked: 'What makes a good language teacher?' My response could apply to any teacher.
I was inspired to be a teacher by a fictional character, played by Sidney Poitier in the movie To Sir With Love. I was unsure which career path I would choose when a friend, who was in education, insisted that I watch his favourite movie, the reason why he became a teacher. After watching I knew I too wanted to be a teacher, to try and make a difference in a child's life. To be able to do that not only did I need to know my content but more importantly I needed to be able to have skill set #20: Enjoys people, shows enthusiasm, warmth, rapport and appropriate
humour (Brown & Lee, 2015, p. 547). These are the teachers we
remember years later.
Brown & Lee begin Chapter 22 by saying: One of the most invigorating things about teaching is that you never stop learning. (p. 540) They are so right, and if you are a good teacher, regardless of the subject, you will transfer that feeling to your students, through your enthusiasm.
If you've never heard of Robert Brooks you may want to check out his books and website. He talks about many things related to education, resilience and raising children, but in particular he believes in what he calls the importance of a charismatic adult in the life of a child or adult. He has done much research on the difference making a connection with a student can make, academically and emotionally.
Charismatic adults
Never watched To Sir with Love? Here's a link to the theme song, it will definitely make you want to watch the movie!
Theme from To Sir With Love
This article talks about all the skills #20 refers to and how you can achieve them.
Positive relationships